******* CANCELLED. ********
Knowle Village Hall – Monday 16 March 8pm
In the night skies above Britain in 1915 people saw huge silver, cigar shaped objects flying across the country seemingly at will. This was the arrival across our shores of The Zeppelin! It was the start of the first strategic bombing campaign in history.
For the final Monday evening talk of our 2019/2020 season, former Civil Servant, David Skillen, will share the story In the Zeppelin. Through well illustrated explanation, we will:
- see how they were developed, built and flown,
- learn about the men who trusted their lives to these majestic yet incredibly dangerous craft, and
- applaud the tactics that enabled the Royal Navy, Royal Flying Corps and, later, the Royal Air Force to defend Britain against this brand new threat.
As usual, the meeting will be held in the Village Hall. It starts at 8pm and all are welcome, whether members or not.
(NB: This will be the final Monday meeting which starts at 8pm.
From Monday 20 April, when Helen Plumb will talk about the fascinating world of gemstones, our new start time will be 7.30pm.