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Marina application temporarily withdrawn

The Stripes Hill marina proposal has been wthdrawn for further work before submission. A public consultation for this proposal took place in the Village hall on 14 June.

The marina saga continues. The Knowle Society received a phone call from the MD of the applicant for the Stripes Hill proposal on 28th May. He confirmed that the application had been temporarily withdrawn. This is because SMBC requires several more reports and surveys and there will be insufficient time to obtain these before the nominal deadline for the end of consultation.

The planned public consultation took place in the Village Hall on Saturday 14th June.

Any comments on the exhibition may also be addressed to Peter Ewin (Chairman, Planning sub-committee). The Knowle Society wants to be able to represent the views of a wide cross-section of local people to this very substantial proposal. Another alternative is to use the new Forum for discussion on The Knowle Society’s website – the link to this Forum is on the home page of this website.