The history of a possible by-pass for Knowle goes back very many years and many different possible routes, none of which were ever found to be suitable (or affordable). The last one was a route from the roundabout at the junction of the Warwick Rd and Langfield Rd, running between the Langfield Rd estate and Newton Rd, crossing Longdon Rd and skirting the park to cross Station Rd next to Arden School and emerging at the bottom of Stripes Hill. This was abandoned in 2013 but the houses that would have been demolished remained and the sections that were green space were left vacant.
In 2011 the Society, realising that the ever-growing demand for building houses on any vacant piece of land might mean that one or more of the green spaces on the route, which had been used by local people for recreation, could end up being built on. It was therefore decided to attempt to preserve them as open spaces by registering them as ‘Village Greens’. Having investigated the relevant law and the use being made of each green space, it was agreed that three green spaces were good candidates for registration. These were the section from the Langfield roundabout (Area ‘A’); an area at the back of the Park next to the Nature Reserve (Area ‘C’), and an area between the Park and Starbold Crescent (Area ‘D’).
A survey of usage was carried out to provide the necessary evidence of use and people invited to provide statements in case it was necessary to prove use of the land. Application was made to the Council for registration of all three and it was decided that a statutory enquiry should be held. In the event the landowners of the last two areas (‘C’ & ‘D’) decided that they would not resist registration, so they were registered and are now available to local people to use ‘for legal sports and pass-times’ in the words of the legislation. The owners of the space off the Langfield roundabout (‘A’) resisted the attempt to register the land and prevailed in their wish for it not to be registered. They also posted notices stating that it was private land so, even though it is currently (2021) not fenced off. Its use could be held to be trespassing. It is probable that this land will be used for housing in due course.
The two areas of Village Green are highlighted in these maps:-