The structure of the Society
The Society is led by a board of trustees, as listed on the card issued annually to members or available on the Charity Commission website listing. The trustees meet regularly (meeting dates) and operate with five specialist primary committees:
- Planning
- Local History including responsibility for the Local History Centre and the Archive
- Community Services
- Natural Environment
- Meetings and Social including Local Walks
Additional committees, some seasonal, are formed as needed:
- Annual Christmas Tree, Lights & Father Christmas Event
- Knowle Green Community Project (Replacement for the bus shelter)
- Village Plan / Neighbourhood Plan
Other major activities:
- Community Liaison (Arden Academy and Knowle Library)
- Membership administration
- Newsletter (quarterly) production and distribution
- Publicity
- This website
Representatives of the Society sit on the following external committees:
- Knowle Village Hall Association Council
- Birmingham Airport Consultative Committee (until the committee is reformed and Ward representatives replace local community representatives around late 2014)
The Knowle Society is a member, but totally independent, of:
- Civic Voice (successor to the Civic Trust) ( )
- West Midlands Amenity Societies Association (WestMASA)
The Society invites local Ward Councillors to attend its Trustee Meetings in a non-voting capacity and values the effective two-way communication that it has enjoyed from these relationships over many years.