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Complaints Procedure

The Knowle Society operates a procedure for handling any complaints that may be made about the Society or individual officers or members of the Society.

The Society will strive to deal with any complaint regarding its officers, members or activities as expeditiously and fairly as possible.

It is expected that most complaints will be resolved by informal discussions. If this is not successful then the following procedures will be implemented:

  1. The complaint should be made in writing to the Hon Secretary at the Registered Office of the Society (see legal)
  2. An acknowledgment of the letter will be made by the Hon. Secretary within 28 days of the date of such letter.
  3. A written response will be made within 8 weeks of the date of the letter.
  4. If the complainant is still not satisfied, a meeting between the complainant and two of the Officers of the Society will be arranged by mutual agreement, at a place acceptable to both parties. Minutes of the meeting will be taken, and a copy sent to the complainant.
  5. If the problem is still unresolved, the complainant will have the right to address a full meeting of the Trustee Directors of the Society.
  6. If the situation remains unresolved, the complainant will be given the address of the Charity Commission to whom further representation can be made.